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Humility to learn, play together well-planned and efficient execution

Thoroughly understand important than high intelligence; speed from power.

Corporate values:
A successful mission, not just "win-win"
But all participants can receive "benefits."

Company vision:

Establishing nation-prized project,Forging a prestigious brand,Being a flagship within the industry.
Links: Guangdong Construction Information Network       Guangdong Provincial Construction Education Association       Guangdong Provincial Construction Licensing Registration Center       Practicing teacher's home       Shenzhen Construction Trade Services Network       Shenzhen Construction Certified Information Network       Shenzhen Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau       Shenzhen Human Resources and Social Security Bureau      
Copyright © 2014-2018 Shenzhen Xintai Construction Engineering Co.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
Add:1609-1614, Olympic Tower, Shangbao Road, Futian District, Shenzhen City, China.    Tel:86-0755-83511458    Fax:86-0755-83909395-616
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